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Photocatalysis and Artificial Photosynthesis Lab

  • Photocatalysis and Artificial Photosynthesis Lab


The objectives are focused on the R&D activities that lead to photocatalytic systems for the photogeneration of light fuels and H2, starting from Water, CO2, and Solar Radiation; the goal is to reach the mimesis of nature´s carbohydrates plant generation by photosynthesis.
Other activities include synthesis and characterization of new phosphors for white light generation, biolabeling and photosensing through fluorescence and phosphorescence.

Tecnologies / Tecnhiques:

  • Wet and solid state synthesis methods.
  • Gas chromatography.
  • Absorption, Emission, fluorescence, FTIR, and Raman spectroscopies.
  • Photocatalitic processes, Dye photodegradation, H2 and light fuels generation by photocatalytic processes.


Lab extractor hoods for synthesis, Furnances up to 1800C and 7 programmable stages, Gas chromatograph Simadzu GC2014, Total Carbon Analyzer Shimadzu L80, UV-Vis spectrograph Varian C60, Ocean Optics Spectrometer QC6500, Spectroradiometer Konika CS2000A, Xe Lamps, Deuterium lamps, 2” Integrating sphere, Ocean Optics 7 channels LIBS system, Ar Laser, Nd YAG pulsed laser, several Diode and Led sources. access to HR JEOL SEM, FTIR, DRX, XRF, CARY5000, Raman INVIA, Two Photon Absortion Zeiss Microscope.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Luis Armando Díaz Torres
Phone: 4414200 ext. 172, 333, 334
Location: Building F, Door 946

Last Update: Nov 17, 2022